Thursday, February 3, 2011

What have the Malones been doing? 2

Last Sunday, I had a craving for the absolute best muffins from our local bakery.  So I sent Kevin and Grace out for them. 

While they were gone, Andrew decided he wanted to be wearing his shoes.  He gets his shoes, undoes the velcro, sits down on the ground, looks at me and says "shoes".  Who could resist a cute request like that?  Since he had on footie jammies, we needed to take them off.  He was so proud to be walking around almost naked with just shoes on his feet, that he didn't even seem to be bothered by the 65 degree temps inside.

  Kevin thinks he looks like eurotrash when he wears these shoes.  I think he looks cute.  Especially since he loves the hard soles and usually does a little dance to the tapping on the floor. 

They came back with these delicious muffins. 

By the way, it is not my intention to make you jealous of my awesome wavey patterned ceramic tile countertops.  I know they are fancy with the wide, black (and not to mention very practical and easy to clean) grout lines, but I am not trying to show off or anything. 

We all loved the muffins, even Andrew.

And we also had breakdowns.  Not sure what Andrew is crying about.  He has been having tantrums lately.  Maybe he is mad that his dad called him eurotrash.

Grace is crying about:
1. Her hair looks "crazy".
2. She doesn't look fancy enough.
3. She doesn't want to do whatever I just asked her to do.
4. I told her to wait for pink sparkly lip gloss.
5. I told her to wait for blush and eyeshadow.
6. I told her to wait to watch Curious George.
7. I told her to wait for me to find her silver shoes.
8. I told her to wait for a bit to do her water color painting.
I could go on but I will stop. 

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