Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Regrets and Confessions

I sucked you all in with the juicy title, huh?

This Saturday I went grocery shopping.  And now I regret purchasing this giant box of goldfish crackers. 

You see, my kids LOVE goldfish.  To Andrew these little fish are last year's string cheese, if you know what I mean.  This box does not fit in my weird cabinets.  So it has been on the counter.  See there I go again showing off my counters...see black AND white tiles.  So fancy!

Anyways, every time Little Buddy sees the box he starts demanding goldfish.  He has been employing the following tactics to get what he wants:

1. Pointing
2. Grunting
3. Screaming
4. Hanging on my legs
5. And my personal favorite....whining

As with the string cheese, I typically give in after saying "no" a dozen times.

And then I have happy campers. And lots of goldfish lying around my house, which get stepped on and tracked around the first floor.

In this photo Andrew is thinking "Mom is a chump." and Grace is plotting her next move. 

And now I will be sharing an embarassing secret of mine.  Sometimes when I find a dropped goldfish/cheerio/m&m (score!) (that I know is not like super old and has not been sucked on by someone other than my child), I pick it up and pop it in my mouth. 


Gross. I know. 

My logic is that then I don't have to physically take it to the garbage (where I would find a full garbage can that I would have to empty) AND it won't get stepped on and spread about.  I am trying to be efficient.  And those of you know who know me well understand that, if I am anything, I am efficient.  Plus I have full confidence that my floors are pretty clean.  So clean you can eat off of them!

Maybe this will be the start of a little segment we could call "Confessions from a Real Mom," or something equally intriguing.  I am open to suggestions.

Finally, I will leave you with this funny picture of Gracie...taken after I said "Hey Gracie, can I get a picture of just Andrew?"

By the way, on an unrelated subject, does anyone know how to remove crayon from the screen of a flatscreen tv?