Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bathroom Remodel: Update

When we started this project, I told myself I would really really try to remain on budget.  We really want to gut our kitchen in a few years, so we are saving up for that.  I wasn't quite sure what my budget should be, so I never actually set one.  Therefore, I am totally on track!

That being said, I have been driving myself crazy with comparative shopping, buying and returning, and purchasing almost everything from the local Home Depot or online.  My UPS man is here so often, I feel like I should have him stay for dinner.  There was a little tension when he dropped my pedestal sink on the front walk, but it didn't break, so we are still friends.  Anyways, the end is in sight for the remodel. 

This was the look I was going for when we started (I think it is from the tile shop online gallery)... 

The tile is in!  It will be grouted tomorrow.

The floor tile was my splurge, carrara marble 1" hexagon mosaics. We both LOVE it and, now that it is in, I am so glad we went for exactly what we wanted. Plus, I got the guy at the tile shop to give me a 20% discount, of course.

My contractor on the other hand HATES the tile.  He has spent ALL DAY tiling about 40 sq. feet.  Apparently the tile kept breaking, falling off the mesh backing, yada yada yada, and he is a bit of a perfectionist.   The poor guy was walking up and down the stairs all day.  He was cutting the tile outside to minimize the dusty mess.  Clean and a perfectionist,  he may be my new best friend! 

We originally were only going to do subway tile in the shower, but we decided to carry it all the way around the room and I am so happy we made that change.  By the way, this tile is Home Depot stock tile.  Less than $2/sq foot.  I compared it to the stuff that was a lot more expensive at the tile shop and I could not tell the difference at all.  Score!

Here are some of the remaining decisions we need to make:

Shower Door - Anyone out there ever ordered a shower door?  There are tons of types and they are pricey items.  I want something substantial, not too bulky and not $3,000.  I am tackling that challenge this weekend.    

Accessories - I need to buy all the little accessories...robe hook, towel ring, toilet paper holder.  The catch is I want them all to coordinate, and each have some round and straight lines.  You see my sink is square, but my faucets are round and I want something to pull it all together.  That is a tall order.

In the past week I would say I have spent at least an hour, probably two (okay, probably a lot more than that) trying to find a toilet paper holder and towel ring that I like. 

While searching, I came across this one...look at the price tag.  Seriously.  Who on earth would buy a toilet paper holder $368?????

Anyways, I kept telling myself,  "You will know the right one when you see it."  Like its a wedding dress or something.  Ridiculous. 

Then I found one on Amazon, but I noticed that it was sold by "Jake's Bargain Shed by Classy Jac's & E & J Crafts."  I really don't want anything from a "bargain shed" in my house.  I am frugal, but not that frugal.  Plus, I am sure I would receive it, damaged, in about 2 months, and then there would be weird charges on my card for tickets to a monster truck rally and a subscription to Cat Fancy magazine.  So now my plan is to pay my weekly visit to Home Depot and just pick one.   Wish me luck.

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