Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gracie's Funny Dream

Immediately after Gracie woke up this morning, she asked Kevin where he put her red tutu and magic wand.  You know, the red one with the red flower on top? Obviously, Kevin asked me where I put these items.

Because I know the location of everything in our house. 

Where is Andrew's blanket?  In the kitchen cabinet. 
Where is Andrew's other sock?  It fell behind the changing table and is now amidst all the other things he threw when he was getting his diaper changed.
Where is the Cinderella doll's other shoe?  On the dryer.
Where is Grace's sparkly headband?  In my bathroom, behind the toilet. 
Where is my wallet?  Check the pants you wore yesterday.

Again, I could go on, but I will stop.

Small problem.  She does not own a red tutu or magic wand with a red flower.   

We tried to explain that this was probably a dream.  But no, she INSISTED that Daddy wore a red tutu and carried a magic wand when he was walking up the stairs last night.  Good thing is that she confirmed that Dad was wearing pants under the tutu.  Phew.

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