Monday, February 21, 2011

Grace's bed time routine

This should not come as a shock to anyone.

Grace has a very specific bedtime routine. 

1. Watch Curious George in Mom and Dad's room while eating a banana. 
2. Brush teeth. 
3. Read a book. 
4. Cuddle. 
5. Either go to sleep or sing sweetly to herself.

While watching tv tonight she said, "Mommy, the yucky black part (ie. the end) is still on my banana!"  So I told her to throw it in the toilet.  Yes, the toilet.  Otherwise, I find little banana ends in my bed.  

By "it" I meant the black part.  NOT the banana. 

Yet this is what I found in my toilet.

I can now add, "removing fruit from the toilet" to my list of things I love about being a mom. 

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