Sunday, February 20, 2011

Andrew is 18 months!

He is such a sweet, easy-going and handsome little guy! 


Remember him last year

He is such a big boy now!

He sleeps through the night.

He can feed himself.  He loves to eat cereal bars, pretzels, string cheese, goldfish, eggs, ham, pasta, yogurt and applesauce. He does not like sweets, and he gets mad if you give him a cookie or a cupcake. 

He can say the following words: cheese, dog, please, hot, dada, mama, Grace, Drew, tickle tickle, shoes, yes, uh oh, hi...I am sure there are others that I can't think of right now. 

He loves to feel like a big boy by sitting at the big table, brushing his teeth, sitting on a chair coloring with Gracie, walking out to the car instead of being carried, or putting on Gracie's headbands and tinkerbelle undies (we are working on that). 

He plays with anything he can push around, he plops down on your lap when he wants a book read to him, and he loves things that make noise (especially music, so he can bust out his sweet dance moves). 

He thinks his big sister is really cool, but isn't afraid to take her doll away or give her a little smack.

He is a little naughty and he knows it.  He stands on chairs, climbs on the toilet, tries to walk down the stairs, and throws things....all with a little twinkle in his eye.

He still loves the ladies, his blankie, and a good cuddle. 

1 comment:

  1. My little buddy is growing up! I guess he sort of grew into that tummy he has :)
    Your biggest fan--JuJu
