Monday, February 7, 2011

We are a little excited up here in Packer Country

This was a very special Super Bowl Sunday, because our beloved Green Bay Packers were in the big game.  Watching them this past month has been a great way to pass this typically mundane month of winter.  So, by all means, Go Pack Go!

This Sunday we stopped at Grandma Jane and Bop's to visit Uncle Bill and he looks great!   Then were were off to JuJu and PopPop's to enjoy the big game with Maggie and Baby William. 

 But before we could go inside and start stuffing our faces, we had to check out the giant snow drifts outside their house.
This picture is a little deceiving, as the snow was actually WAY above Grace's head.  It was probably up to my mom's shoulders.

Anyways, the Super Bowl is all about football right?  But actually isn't it equally about food?  Well, I had fun with the food this year.  Here are some snapshots of what we were snacking on....

Spinach dip with green and yellow peppers.

Green and Gold (not yellow, Grace will correct you if you say yellow) G Cookies.

Sort of nasty looking green and gold tortilla chips and salsa.  The salsa was actually really good.

Andrew thoroughly enjoys being able to help himself to food.  He is overwhelmed with the choices and freedom.  He always goes for the chips.  Smart boy.  I think he is going to be very happy in Mexico.

It was a special treat to get to enjoy the game with the cutest little cheesehead.  Baby William!

Someone was not a fan of William's hat.

Or William having JuJu all to himself. 

Andrew was fine with JuJu showing attention to another little boy, just as long as he was close enough to monitor the situation.  JuJu couldn't be alone with Baby William.

Here he is explaining the deal, "Listen Baby William.  You need to be held all the time, and I totally get that.  You are a baby.  I've been there too.  So you can sit with my JuJu.  But just don't get too comfortable, because she is my Grandma.  Got it?" 

 "And if you follow those rules I think we will be great friends."

When children visit my parents house they are guaranteed an educational experience.  For instance, this week William learned how to use a slot machine.  What will it be next time?  Bartending 101? Billiards for Beginners?

By the way, check out the Vince Lombardi artwork in the background.  It wouldn't be a Wisconsin basement without a picture of Vince and a framed Packer stock certificate.

  Grace loves Baby William.

We headed home at the start of the 3rd quarter.  Here is Andrew giving a touchdown sign right before we headed out.

And since this post would not be complete without a picture of my charming you go...

A few months ago I threw out his old cheesehead.  It weighed about 5lbs.  And it was moldy.  I like moldy cheese, but not moldy cheeseheads.  Confusing I know.  He told me not to throw it away.  But I did anyways. 

Oh well.  He is happy we won.

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