Saturday, February 12, 2011

don't trust toddlers - they lie

While I was making dinner Grace said, "Don't worry Mommy, I will watch Andrew.  He can color with me!"

Keep in mind they were about 2 feet from where I was standing and I still did not notice this was going on....thank goodness for washable markers!

"Mommy, can I play with the tupperware?" 
"No, it is too messy."
"Okay, how about I just play with two? That won't be a mess." (Grace is an excellent, errr relentless,  negotiator.)
"Sure, whatever."
....5 minutes later I see this in my living room.

"Mommy, I will watch Andrew while you go get my shoes."
Ten seconds later I return to see black crayon on the carpet.  I agree, I should have learned my lesson on Wednesday. 

No picture for this one.  My extremely dominant cleaning gene kicked in, and the mark was obliterated to the best of my ability.

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