Sunday, February 27, 2011

My little helpers

Have I mentioned how much I love this little girl?  Grace is my little helper.  When she sees me pull out the mop and bucket, she grabs a washcloth and starts to wipe down the cabinetry.   

She also has been begging (yes, begging) me to let her clean windows lately.  So I finally let her.  Seriously, I love this child.

Andrew still has some cleaning lessons to learn, but he is showing some interest.  I was sweeping up the crumbs from lunch and there were half a dozen stray goldfish in the pile.  Andrew thought he was helping me by stomping on the goldfish and rubbing a dishtowel in the pile.  He was SOOOO proud of himself.  Plus he had that cute little smirk on his face and glimmer in his eye.  I love him too.

Then this morning, his tray was a little wet from getting washed, so I handed him a towel and asked him to wipe it off.  Well, not understanding, he emphatically threw the towel on the ground.  But after I showed him what I meant, he enthusiastically wiped off his tray.  Then, when he was done with his meal, he pointed to the towel and grunted.  I handed it to him, and he cleaned his tray off again.  Such a smart boy!

Pretty soon I will have my own little trained cleaning crew to keep the house in order....although something tells me this enthusiasm will not last forever....

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