Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday Dinner

Last Sunday we had my parents, Mark and Maura over for a family dinner.  We usually head over to my parents house for a the big meal, but I thought I would cook for once.  Although they brought the turkey, stuffing and dessert, so I guess I didn't do that much cooking. 

I made Roasted Tomato Basil soup that tasted pretty good.  Not great.  But I topped it with these babies. 

Ever use old bread to make croutons?  It is really easy and really, really good.  Just cut up the bread (This time I used kaiser rolls which worked really well.  They are lighter I guess.) and coat in a mixture of butter, olive oil and garlic.  Then toast them in the oven.  You can even put some parmesan cheese on them.  Because in Wisconsin we try to put cheese on everything.  Who am I kidding?  I cannot blame my love of cheese on Wisconsin.  Anyways, these are great on salads, soups or just by themselves.  Seriously, try to eat just one. 

I also made a salad. 

Notice that the heirloom tomatoes.  See? 

Aren't they pretty?

And my dad brought these fancy rice krispie treats...with jelly beans!  He is a culinary master.  Jelly beans on rice krispie treats, who would have thought?

The kids had a ball hanging with there grandparents. 

Grace loved being super fancy.

And Andrew tolerated being dressed up like Elton John.

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