Saturday, April 9, 2011

More of Grace's Artwork...and some from Andrew too

This week, Gracie came home with a huge stack of artwork for us to go through.  We sat down and talked about each picture. 

First of all, look at how well she wrote her name on this one!

So here is a sampling of her work.   These were all for me.  As in, "Mommy, that is your bottle of wine.  Your schedule.  Your map." 

I also found this interesting family picture.  I asked her to name everyone in the photo. 

No, the thing in the middle is not a table.  It is an Easter egg.  Obviously.

I was feeling pretty sad that I was by myself on the other side of the egg, but then Kevin pointed out that I am the only one with a full body and hair.  And my eyes are by far the least creepy.  And that made me feel a little better.

I am wondering if my separation from the rest of my family is totally random or some sort of sign....hmmmm.  When I pointed this out to her, she said, "Oh Mommy, its okay.  I will get a yellow marker and draw Baby William next to you.  Then you won't be alone!"

And finally, Andrew came home with some artwork this week is very manly.  A purple butterfly.  If you show it to him he gets very happy, smiles and says, "ooohhhh!".  Sweet boy.

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