Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Frosting Review

Its no secret that I am a huge frosting fan.  And I am a fan of the The Pioneer Woman.  So when she gave her endorsement of this frosting recipe, (which is called "That's the Best Frosting I've Ever Had") I had to give it a try. 

Step 1: Combine 5T flour and 1 cup of milk in a saucepan.  Whisk over low heat until it thickens.
*Note I had to do this step twice because I didn't have the attention span to stand there and whisk for 5 minutes.  I still got distracted during the second batch but decided a few little lumps would be fine.  I don't think it made a difference. 

2. Set this mixture aside and let cool.  COMPLETELY.

3. In a mixer combine 1 cup butter, 1 cup granulated sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla.  Whip it for a long time.

4. Then combine the 2 together and whip for a very long time.  When you think it is done, whip it longer.

6. Have your little helper put the frosting and sprinkles on cupcakes.  And you are done.

In comparing this to my favorite frosting recipe (mentioned in this post), this one comes up short.  It takes more time, it is more complicated to make and really just doesn't taste as good.  But try it out.  If you want to be disappointed.  Just kidding.

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