Friday, April 8, 2011

Hail Mary

Last Sunday we were treated to a crazy hail storm.  All of a sudden, the skies opened up and pelted us with a whole lotta hail.  It took less than a minute for the ground to go from a dirty gray to a crunchy white.  It was kinda cool and kinda scary.

Grace has decided that she would rather be named "Mary Charlotte Malone."  Not as cool as Uncle Mark who wanted to change his name too "Garth Algar" (because he loved the weird character in Wayne's World) when he two years old.  But we can't all be as cool as Uncle Mark can we?

Every once in a while she corrects us when we call her "Grace", and has a little smile on her face.  Like she knows she is being a little ridiculous, but likes that she is telling us what to do and we are going along with it.  I am just relieved that she is finally asserting her independence. 

I told her that I actually wanted to name her Mary Grace Malone, but her dad said that sounded too "Catholic."  She said, "Huh?", which I believe that was my response too.  I told her she can pick it as her confirmation name when she is older.

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