Monday, April 11, 2011

Grace is 4!

 This post is super late and super long. 

We had her birthday party in Mexico.   This was fabulous for me, since I didn't have to cook, clean, decorate and plan a party.  And she had a blast too.  I did miss planning a little party for her, but resisted the persistent urge to have a birthday brunch for her the morning after we got back.  Thank goodness.  We were tired. 

Here are a few pictures from the party....

The house and pool deck were decorated with balloons, streamers and "Feliz Cumpleanos" Banners.  I brought princess cake toppers and ariel napkins from home. 

There were also pinatas. 

Andrew loved the Cinderella pinata so much that he gave her a little kiss.

The lucky birthday girl got a ton of fun presents from everyone.

And loved sharing her new princess cell phone with her little brother.

The cake was absolutely delicious and Grace was in heaven when they brought it out and sang happy birthday while banging on pots and pans.

And as a special birthday treat, Grace got to go swimming after dinner with her Daddy.

Thank you to everyone who has sent her gifts and cards.  She is so lucky to have so many thoughtful and loving people in her life! 

Grace went to her 4 year check up and she was over 41 inches tall, and a little over 37 pounds.  Which is about the 75% for both.  She passed her eye and hearing tests, and it was really cute to watch. She got 4 shots and the drama was kept to a minimum. Although, now she insists that she is NEVER going back to the doctor.

I have also been keeping track of some of the funny things she says.  I have done a bad job of this, as she says random funny stuff every day, but here are a few samples. 
February 26th
While driving by the zoo along Bluemound, "There is the forest that Snow White runs through." Then she followed that up with, "Mom and Dad, when we get home I want to poop and then cuddle."

Later the same day, "Oh Mom, you look so stylish today!"

March 6th
After a 20 minute drive in the car where Grace spent the ENTIRE time talking she said, "Dad, what is your favorite color?"
"I don't have a favorite color Grace, but I do have a favorite sound.  It is silence."
"I have a favorite sound too Dad!  It is LALALALALALALA"

March 29th
After Ballet class Gracie ran out to the waiting room and said, "Mom, I never ever knew this could be so much fun!"  In this voice that indicated she was just amazed at how much fun ballet is.

In other Grace news, we have signed her up for St. Jude kindergarten next year.  She is sooo excited.  I am looking forward to their somewhat strict uniform policy and have already begun shopping the sales for plain white, blue and red clothing.

1 comment:

  1. mexico looked so fun bridget! love the Grace quotes :) keep those coming!
