Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mexico: 2011 Vacation Awards

For this vacation, I decided everyone gets an award.  Because everyone is so very, very special. 

Best Friends - Sue and Julie

Most Scary Person - Grace

Most likely to be found eating tortilla chips - Kevin

Cutest Couple - Mark and Maura
Most Hilarious - Julie

Largest cell phone bill - Mark Jr.

Most Adorable - Andrew

Most Bug Bites - Mark Sr.

Most likely to have mood vastly improved by 1 margarita - Bridget

Most popular with the kids - Jane and Sue
Best Sport - Maura (for laughing at every joke all week)

Best Sport - Honorable mention - Julie (for painting her toe nails yellow, per Gracie's request)
You can pick up your award at my house.
It's a hug. 
From me.
And you all know how I love touching other people. 
So it is sure to be a very awkward, stiff and brief hug.

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