Thursday, April 28, 2011

A bad thing about working from home

So we have a diseased tree in our backyard. 

I am secretly thrilled that I now have an excuse to get all three of these eyesores taken down.  I am not secretly thrilled about paying for tree removal or the re-landscaping that will be required.   Ah, the joys of home ownership. 

Anyways, last Friday I got up and got right to work that morning at 7am.  I didn't stop to brush my hair, get dressed or wipe yesterday's mascara off of my face.  I was a sight.  And not a pretty one. 

I kept right on working in this condition until 11am.  When I hear, ding dong! 

Crap!  I totally forgot I had an appointment with the tree service man.  I had no choice but to answer the door looking like a mess.  I had on my ratty, faded, rose print, 15 year old bathrobe, which is a size L and looks more than a bit ridiculous.  Not sure why I couldn't have had on my new one from Anthropologie?  But really that wouldn't have helped me. 

I also had on pajama pants, a ratty old t-shirt and stained old man slippers. Here is a little peek...

The poor tree man didn't know what he was walking into when he rang that doorbell.  I proceeded to apologize profusely, make awkward and poorly timed jokes about my appearance, and ask lots of questions displaying my lack of tree knowledge and basic social skills.

Now here comes the funny part.  This guy looks familiar to me.

And that would be because he lives a few blocks away from me. 

And his kids go to the same daycare as Grace and Andrew. 

So lucky me (or lucky him), I will see him again.  Fabulous. 

I cannot decide if this is more embarrassing than the time I wore the towel on my back out to dinner with Maggie.

Grace and I had been playing superhero or something and I forgot to take it off.  I proceeded to eat dinner with my back to a crowded bar with a dishtowel hanging out of my collar. 

I could give you a whole litany of excuses on why this happened...I was 7 months pregnant!  My shirt had a hood on it so I couldn't feel it!  I blame my mom!  I blame Kevin! 

Bottom line.  I am a dork.

Hey, at least I can laugh at myself.  And you can too.

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