Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sweet Potato Fries

This is a sweet potato.
They are very good and good for you.

I take a sweet potato and cut off the skin. I used to use a potato peeler, but you need to peel off the skin and the whitish stuff underneath the skin. I don't have time to do that with a potato peeler. If you do, go for it.

Cut the sweet potato into very thin sticks. 

The thinner the fry, the faster they cook. The faster they cook, the faster the kids go to bed. The faster the kids are in bed, the faster you get to drink this:

(No, I do not drink every night.  And only on the weekends do I have more than one drink.  No, I do not have a problem.  I have two young kids.  And I am trying to be funny.  And keeping it real.  Had to say that.)

Anyways.  Toss the fries with olive oil, salt and pepper.  If you want to get fancy, add rosemary or roasted red pepper flakes or whatever else you want. 

Spread them on a baking sheet.
Roast in a 425/450 degree oven. Turn them once or twice. Take them out when they are crispy. The black, slightly burned pieces are good. Trust me. The sugar in the potato caramelizes or something. Yum!

By the way, I love this baking sheet.  Love it.  It is a Wilton 11.5x17, non-stick baking sheet.  Plus, it is about an inch deep and that ensures nothing falls off the edge onto the bottom of the oven.  Who wants to clean the oven?  Not me. 

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