Thursday, March 17, 2011

errr, Happy St. Patrick's Day?

I came across this cute picture of Gracie and could not resist posting.

This was taken at Irish Fest 2009.  Don't ask why I was at Irish Fest when I was 9 months pregnant...I have no recollection of agreeing to that outing.

You all know I hate St. Patrick's Day. It annoys me.

Ireland looks beautiful and I would like to go there one day.
Irish people are nice and super good looking (my husband made me say that).
Potatoes are good, especially with cheese.
Green is my favorite color (seriously).
Shamrock shakes are fabulous.

But, I didn't grow up celebrating it, maybe that is why I am not a fan? Plus, I am sure you can imagine my opinion on binge drinking in "honor" of a Saint. Enough said.

What really annoys me is when people say, "Bridget Malone, what a fine Irish name!" or "Bridget Malone, you must be so Irish!" or if someone uses the word "lass" in the same sentence as my name...or in my presence really. And if they top it off with a lame Irish accent...cringe... it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. But I just smile and say, "Oh, I am married so that is my husband's name."

Kevin - That is how much I love you! I was willing to take on the most Irish sounding of names. Or maybe it was to get rid of a name even I have a hard time pronouncing?

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