Monday, March 28, 2011

Mexico: Trip to Town

One afternoon Maura, Mark, Kevin and I headed into downtown Puerto Vallarta.  We paid our 7 pesos each and hopped on the local bus for the 20 minute ride along the coast into the downtown area. 

I brought my camera thinking that I would get some cool pictures of interesting things in town. 
I mostly ended up with odd photos of my brother.
The bus route ends at the glass factory, which carries beautiful glass ware and painted ceramics (my favorite).

Here is Mark pretending to be a bodyguard.  Or maybe he is just really bored.

Then we made the mile or so walk into town.

We came across these sculptures that sort of look like the orange one in Milwaukee at the end of Wisconsin Avenue.  Naturally, I suggested Mark pretend he was impaled on one of them.

Then Kevin ran down onto the beach and used shells and rocks to spell this out for me.  Isn't he sweet?

A church.  You know, the one on the square with the Starbucks?


We were planning on going out to the bars one night, but I nixed that idea once I saw this sign.  I was afraid I would get recruited to be on the "Spring Break 2011: Puerto Vallarta" edition.  I am crazy like that.

We stopped off at the open air market in search of the infamous Packer ponchos.  Here is our friend Matt in the Packer poncho during our 2006 trip to Puerto Vallarta.   

And we were successful! 
Look at Mark with his hand up the poncho.  Pervert. 

They sell lots of drugs in the Farmacias. 
Just not Miralax.  
Guess what I forgot? 
Guess what poor Andrew desperately needed?
        Of course.

Here is Mark again, shopping for t-shirts.

We saw this kids bikini in a store window.

We were going to get it for Grace, then we realized that we prefer not to dress our daughter like a tramp.  Can you imagine putting your daughter in that?  Odd.
And finally, this navity is so sweet.  Love the chubby Baby Jesus.

The End

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