Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies....with beans

I bought this cookbook when Gracie was about 6 months old, and it has some good ideas.  Our favorites are the mac & cheese and chocolate chip cookies (with garbanzo beans).  Only problem with the cookies is they have a stick and a half of butter or margarine in them.  Obviously, any recipe with a stick and a half of butter will taste good. 

So I updated the recipe to make it a bit healthier.  Try it out...

2 cups flour
1/4 c butter
1/4 c peanut butter
1/2 c oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
2 egg whites
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 c raisins
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 cup chocolate chip/peanut butter chips
1 can garbanzo beans/chick peas

1. Puree the chickpeas and set them aside.  I use this handy little cuisinart.  Isn't it cute?

2. Mix butter, peanut butter, vanilla and brown sugar

3. Mix in eggs.  I have been buying these brown eggs lately.  Not sure why, I guess they seem more "organic"?  Anyways, the shells chip so easily.  I am constantly pulling out little shells from my recipes.  So I have started breaking them into a separate bowl first, then into the mixing bowl. 

4. Whip the eggs into the butter mixture until it looks light and fluffy.  Maybe 1 minute?

Here is the vanilla I use.  My parents bought it for me in Mexico.  They have cheap real vanilla down there. 

6. Mix  the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
7. Combine garbanzo beans, butter/sugar mixture and dry ingredients and stir.
8. Add in chocolate chips and raisins (if you want them, you could also add nuts)

10. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes.  I wait until the tops are a little brown. 

The shelf life on these babies is not as long as regular cookies, but I keep them in an airtight container or in the fridge.  Throw them in the microwave and have them with your morning coffee or with ice cream for dessert.  Delicious.  I estimated the calories at about 60 per cookie, so guilt free! 

Don't let the beans scare you.  Trust me.  Fiber is good. 


  1. I LOVE this cookbook. Have you tried the brownies? My kids love them and you really can not taste the spinach and carrots. I also have done the rice balls with chicken. Very yummy!

  2. I will have to try those Niki - thanks!
