Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Trip to the Domes

This week we didn't have music class because of spring break, so we visited the Mitchell Park Domes on Monday morning.  The Domes are super easy, free on Monday mornings and a short activity.  You can be in and out in about 30 minutes.  Plus, if you go early, there are so few people that the kids can easily run around. 

Currently in the "Show Dome" they have a train set and little Princess displays up for the kids among all the flowers. 

Here is Gracie with the Snow White display. 

Andrew enjoyed watching the trains, as I guess any boy would.

We also ran around in the Tropical Dome and Desert Dome, even though they are much more boring.  

See that bag in Gracie's hand?  She brought a notebook and pencil and had me write down random things as we walked through.  She also brought a feather, "In case it is dusty." 

And that is toothpaste on her shirt.  Ever since she found out she has a cavity, we have been big on oral hygiene.

We loved having Baby William and Maggie join us on our little outing. 

William is getting so big and is so cute!  And I am not sure, but I think he is trying to surpass Andrew's record for fattest cheeks on a 7 month old.  I even detect a bit of eye fat on William.  Good boy! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Andrew really, really, really loves yogurt

Enough said.


Kevin and I have been carrying around these sweet phones for the past few years.  Notice how Kevin's has a busted speaker.  Nice.

We have never had the "newest or coolest" phone.  Come to think of it, we have never had the "newest and coolest" anything really.    (Oh, except for my minivan.  When I got that baby in 2008 I was pretty darn excited...dvd player, auto sliding doors, countless cup holders to hold sippy cups with spoiled notch really.)  We don't care.  We always just walked into the Sprint store when one of our phones had lost so much battery power that it was no longer practical to use, and said, "What phones are free with a new contract?"  

  • I was always scared that I would get a new fancy phone, and one of my kids would drop it in the toilet and I would have to pay $600 to get a new one.  (We don't buy insurance stuff like phones, electronics, etc.)
  • Smartphones are expensive.  Kevin and I are frugal. 
  • I really never leave my house so why would I need a phone with internet? 
  • I don't use my phone at all.  There is about a 1 in 10 chance of me actually answering my cell phone. 
However, our contract is up next month and we are going to be getting new phone numbers and new phones, well not just phones, SMARTphones. Exciting times at the Malone house!

You see, lately I have been wishing I had the internet on the rare occasion that I am out and about. Usually to look up where the closest Starbucks is, but whatever. 

We were thinking of just getting iPhones, but we already have iPod touches and an iPad.  iPhones would be iOverkill. 

Plus, I will still assert that I am a PC girl, and I do not like Apple. Apple is for anti-estabilishment hipsters.  You know, people like my in-laws (Mike and Jane - just making sure you are still reading :) )  Don't know where I got that idea from, but its how I think.  I am not a hipster.  I am not even cool.  And I like establishment. 

So we got these LG phones.  They have been sold out everywhere for forever but the RadioShack in West Allis had some in stock.  Lucky us.  Now we are cool.  Sort of.  Let me know if you want my number.   Just don't call me.  I won't answer.  Because I have no idea how to work this thing.

By the way, Grace got this new cell phone for her birthday, it looks quite similar to my old phone. I mean really, they should have been paying me to carry around that pink thing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mexico: Trip to Town

One afternoon Maura, Mark, Kevin and I headed into downtown Puerto Vallarta.  We paid our 7 pesos each and hopped on the local bus for the 20 minute ride along the coast into the downtown area. 

I brought my camera thinking that I would get some cool pictures of interesting things in town. 
I mostly ended up with odd photos of my brother.
The bus route ends at the glass factory, which carries beautiful glass ware and painted ceramics (my favorite).

Here is Mark pretending to be a bodyguard.  Or maybe he is just really bored.

Then we made the mile or so walk into town.

We came across these sculptures that sort of look like the orange one in Milwaukee at the end of Wisconsin Avenue.  Naturally, I suggested Mark pretend he was impaled on one of them.

Then Kevin ran down onto the beach and used shells and rocks to spell this out for me.  Isn't he sweet?

A church.  You know, the one on the square with the Starbucks?


We were planning on going out to the bars one night, but I nixed that idea once I saw this sign.  I was afraid I would get recruited to be on the "Spring Break 2011: Puerto Vallarta" edition.  I am crazy like that.

We stopped off at the open air market in search of the infamous Packer ponchos.  Here is our friend Matt in the Packer poncho during our 2006 trip to Puerto Vallarta.   

And we were successful! 
Look at Mark with his hand up the poncho.  Pervert. 

They sell lots of drugs in the Farmacias. 
Just not Miralax.  
Guess what I forgot? 
Guess what poor Andrew desperately needed?
        Of course.

Here is Mark again, shopping for t-shirts.

We saw this kids bikini in a store window.

We were going to get it for Grace, then we realized that we prefer not to dress our daughter like a tramp.  Can you imagine putting your daughter in that?  Odd.
And finally, this navity is so sweet.  Love the chubby Baby Jesus.

The End

Thursday, March 24, 2011


We had a fabulous vacation in Puerto Vallarta!  Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful trip.

Here are a few highlights...

The kids LOVED the pool.

Look at that cute little face (Andrew's, not mine).

Since I do not like to swim, Jane and Kevin did most of the pool time with Grace and Andrew.

One night we took a trip into the town of Mismaloya to our friend Juan's restaurant.

Andrew loved the guacamole.

Grace only ate tortillas and orange juice the entire week.

Here Grace is explaining how to put a headband on to Aunt Sue.  Its complicated.

Of course we had to watch NCAA basketball during dinner one night.  Annoying.  Here I am pretending to care.

Grace and Andrew playing on the dangerous stairs.

Our iguana friend Margarita.  She lives on the rocks.  Margarita on the Rocks.  Get it?  I crack myself up.

Ladies Man Drew Malone with Julia, the daytime cook.  Andrew loved visiting her in the kitchen and she would give him kisses.

 (Look at Grace holding up her dress like she is doing a curtsy.)

The ladies developed a crush on Chef Victor.  He does not speak English.  Maybe that is a good thing.