Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shopping with Andrew

Andrew and I ran out to Boston Store to grab him a new spring coat.  He really wanted a purple one, but I have searched the internet high and low and concluded that it doesn't exist for a 2 yr old boy.  So he had to settle with a navy blue one. 

On the way out we stopped in the shoe department.  Andrew loved to pick up the sparkly shoes and say "Oh so fancy!" and he made sure to leave lots of finger and face prints on the nearby perfume counter windows.  Andrew found these "fancy" red shoes that he just had to try on. The boy has good taste.

Then, when walking by Bath & Body Works, he had to stop in.  I haven't been in one of those stores in years, as I find them to be somewhat offensive in the odor.  Andrew wanted lotion for his hands and selected some ridiculous mango scent.  Luckily, I noticed the men's section of the store and steered him over there.  He chose "oak".  Now I cannot smell due to my cold, but I am pretty sure I have the most manly smelling toddler in town.

A couple side notes:
1. While I am typing this Andrew is "cleaning" by dipping a sponge in his applesauce and wiping it on the counter. 
2. An excellent benefit to having a cold for over 4 weeks, is that I have not smelled Andrew's stinky diapers in 4 weeks.  Makes it much easier to play dumb, "What Kevin?  It smells in here?  I had no idea!  Maybe Andrew needs a diaper change?"
3.  I have to go now, as Andrew needs to "check his email".

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