Sunday, March 11, 2012

Recently 2

We have been talking a lot about the upcoming arrival of #3.  I got out 2 baby dolls and let the kids play with the baby gear.  It was adorable.  Andrew named his doll "Charlie" and Grace named hers "Rose."  Not sure where they came up with the names?
 Kevin and I went to Chicago for a night.  It was our last getaway before the baby comes.  I was pretty under the weather, so it wasn't as fun as it should have been.  It was nice to get away for a night and get some shopping done.  I stopped at the Chicago location of Magnolia Bakery and picked up some cupcakes for Gracie and I to enjoy together.  She chose the one with the purple frosting, ate 1/2 and then decided that she didn't like it.  She begged me to trade.

Fair trade?  I think not.

Whenever Grace gets her picture taken, Andrew makes me take some pictures of him.  

Finally, today the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  The kids went to the zoo with both grandmas and their dad.  We also took a family walk after dinner.  We were quite the sight.  I was limping along at the worlds slowest pace, holding up my gigantic stomach.  Andrew picked up a stick every 5 feet, so he was moving at my pace.  Gracie was running and then totally wiped out and skinned up both knees.  So she walked home sobbing (justified as her knees were pretty torn up). 

In order to help her deal with the pain, I let her open up a birthday gift from her Aunt Amy.  It is the world's fanciest nightgown!  So posh. Of course, Grace had to demonstrate how upset she is about her knees.  
And about 2 seconds later, she turned on the charm for this photo.

And here is the requisite photo of Drew in his jammies, flexing his muscles for the ladies. 

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