Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gracie's 5th Birthday - Fancy Nancy Party

This past Saturday, we celebrated Gracie's 5th birthday with a Fancy Nancy party for her and all of her friends.  We had 10 girls join us and it was a lot of fun!
We held the party at the Little Red Store (not my house as originally planned - which ended up being a very good move), and it was adorable and a great location for the event.  All the girls looked so posh.  The decorations were smashing.  And all in all it was a great success.

When the girls arrived, they each chose a fancy bracelet and a bag with a tiara and wand to decorate.  The girls all sat silently and worked on their bags, tiaras and wands for about 15 minutes.  It was pretty cute.

After that, the girls enjoyed a delicious meal of goldfish crackers, cheese sandwiches, PB&Js, cheese skewers and fruit.  Everything was on a frilly toothpick, except the goldfish which were in fancy cupcake liners.  So delicious!  Note, if you are going to serve 4 and 5 year olds food on a toothpick, be sure to remind them to remove the toothpick before eating the food. 

Andrew and Daddy were the only boys Grace allowed at the party.  Andrew was so excited, probably a little too excited, to go to the "fancy fancy" party.  He and dad even dressed up with button downs, khakis and Andrew wore his dapper saddle shoes.  He loved sitting at the big table with all the ladies and eating goldfish. 

After lunch we played games.  First was "Pin the Tiara on Fancy Nancy".  It was pretty cute and funny.

One little girl even got confused and thought we were playing "Pin the Tiara on Gracie's Mom's Belly"

Then we played a rousing game of "Guess How Many Fancy Necklaces are in this Jar"  (snappy title, huh?).  Some of the girls refused to guess, and we had other funny guesses like "a lot" and one girl asked if she could count first.  So cute.  The winners of each game got a new fancy necklace to take home. 

Then (finally) it was time for the cake!  I topped the cake with a little bunting I made that matched some larger paper buntings we hung around the room. 

Gracie wanted a purple cake with pink frosting.  So I did not disappoint her.  Although I must say that I don't think any of the girls noticed the ombre purple cake I made....not sure that was worth the effort!

Oh and here are the invitations.....

and flowers (Gracie picked them out)...

I would also like to say that Gracie was a very good sport.  She was nice to all of her friends and made everyone feel welcome. I was a little nervous because she did say, right before the party, "This is all about me!"  I do think she just said that because I always reminder her, before she goes to other people's parties, that it is their special day.  And really, it was all about her. 

She was also a generous little girl.  She agreed that she didn't need a bunch of presents so we had girls bring books for the House of Peace.  Such a sweet girl!

Also a big thank you to Jane for getting dressed up and helping with the party!  Gracie, Kevin and I really appreciate it!

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