Saturday, January 8, 2011

'Tis the Season - Christmas Eve Recap

During the day on Christmas Eve the Kowalskis came over to visit and Andrew had fun with William.  Grace loves her new Cinderella doll.

Check out Andrew dressed for church...he was ready to go!

Andrew's Christmas Eve feast consisted of pretzels.

Look at the knee fat!

Grace enjoying the fire with Cinderella.

Grace with her new camera.  This was the gift she chose to bring to her first show and tell after Christmas.

I hosted Christmas Eve dinner but Katie and Brad did half the cooking.  Here they are stirring the butter.

Uncle Markie charming the children with his fancy blackberry.

Grace, in an attempt to ensure all members of her family can pose, is demonstrating for Mikey.

Attempt at a Scanlon family group shot...Everyone look at the camera!  Mikey get on Kevin's lap!  Kevin stop crushing your mom! Yoo hoo Gracie!  Oh well, we tried.

Mikey explaining something to Gracie.

Uncle Markie charming the children again by putting something down his shirt.  He claims this trick works on the ladies too.

Amy, Justin, and Mark observing the chaos. 

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