Monday, January 10, 2011

Disney World! Other random stuff

This is my last post on Disney and includes somewhat random thoughts. 

One of Grace's favorites was going to Minnie's house.  It was this super cute house the kids could walk through, play with her things and sit on her furniture.

Then she went to meet Minnie.  She waiting in line with Dad but then was too scared to actually meet her.
On the first day, on our way out we caught a parade down main street.

Grace and I enjoying cotton candy.  I bribed her with this so we wouldn't have to wait in the hour long line to meet the fairies.

I told you we did everything at the Magic Kingdom, right?  Even this thing.

Grace was so good and didn't ask for a lot of stuff.  When I told her we were not going to get this doll, she just asked if she could get a picture with it. 

We caught a show where all the Princesses and Prince Charmings were dancing and singing in front of the Disney Castle. 

Andrew came on this trip too.
Here he is suggesting something to me that I find shocking.
Andrew was very into pointing at everything.

Being cool with dad.

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