Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ballerina Gracie

Today was the open house for Gracie's ballet class.  Although this was only her 3rd class, Grace had a ton of 'moves' to show us!
The very serious students.  I give the teacher a lot of credit, teaching 3 year olds ballet is basically herding cats. 

 Andrew loves ballet class almost as much as Gracie.  While he watches the older dancers from the observation deck, he dances to the music.  Whenever the door opens to Gracie's class, he runs to the door.  So when he was allowed into the class today, he was very excited.  So excited, that he had a hard time controlling himself.  He didn't understand why he couldn't be out on the floor with all the ladies so he spent most of the class in the hall.  However, after class he got to run around on the dance floor with Gracie.  Which is surely any little boy's dream. 

I don't think I need to worry about how I am going to keep Andrew out of hockey and football and any other contact sport....he won't have time for that....with what will surely be a demanding dance schedule.  

And in case you were wondering, yes, that is pink sparkly lip gloss in his hand.  
(For some reason blogger cut off the sides of my collages, ugh! I am too lazy to fix.  Sorry!)

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