Thursday, January 6, 2011

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

Every year I am thrilled when all the Christmas paraphernalia gets marked 75% off and space is made on those shelves at your local grocery stores and Walgreens for ..... Necco Candy Hearts!!!!

Yesterday, I stopped at Walgreens and was thrilled to see them sitting there, waiting to be bought. And taken home.  And loved. 

At first I grabbed a small bag. Then I thought, "Who am I kidding?" and grabbed the 1 pounder.

I exercised a great deal of self control and waited a few hours to crack the bag open. Granted I am not sure what purpose that served, maybe I was just challenging myself.  Anyways, I grabbed a pink heart, popped it in my mouth and headed back to work.

As I was sitting there I realized, something tasted funny. Different. Just not right. You see the pink ones are my very favorite (followed by white, then purple, then green, then orange and finally the yellow - which are kind of gross but I would still eat them), so I know exactly how they should taste. 

By the way, did I mention I like candy?  I do.

So I went to grab a white one, because surely they couldn't change that minty formula. Well there were no whites to be found! Only this weird, new blue color.

Then, well I cannot really describe what happened, but I felt utter and profound disappointment. I was mad, yes, but I also felt a bit betrayed.

Don't they know how hard I tried to get my hands on these in July so I could have them at my wedding?

Don't they understand how everyone's best memories of Valentine's Day are when you open up a valentine and find a few of these little hearts in the envelope?

I took a look at the bag again...I didn't appear to buy some new variation on candy hearts (ie. wildberry skittles or peanut m&ms). These are just the basic candy hearts.  Hmmm....then I notice they tried to hide this from us by getting rid of the little see through window on the front of the bag!  Sneaky.

I flip the bag over and see that yellow is now lemon flavor and the blue is blue raspberry.  I am getting upset.  Mad.  Why are they trying to make these taste like fruit?

Then I see the little quip on the front "The Official Candy of Love" Whatever.  Not anymore.

I am hoping that this is just a mix up and the real ones are just not in stock yet. Or maybe Necco is trying to scare us, you know, to make us all appreciate the originals a little more? I am keeping my fingers crossed.

(For those of you who are still reading you really must not have anything else to do, huh?)

When I told Kevin about this he said 2 things:
1. Calm down.
2. I will get you some chalk to eat instead.

I am off to enjoy a glass of wine and a tootsie roll. If some high-up, big-time, all-powerful candy exec gets any ideas about changing the tootsie roll....well lets not even go there.

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