Thursday, December 30, 2010

What can I say? The boy loves his string cheese.

Andrew has recently developed a slight obsession with string cheese. 

Here he is hanging onto my legs in sheer desperation.  This is after I told him he couldn't have his 3rd piece of the day.  He was emotionally distaught.  So I took a picture.  Again, its not too late to nominate me for "2010 Mother of the Year".  Seriously.  I will thank you in my acceptance speech.

 After that tactic was unsuccessful, he moved onto hanging on the refrigerator.  He ended up getting the door open, but didn't quite know what to do after that.

After 20 minutes of his ranting I gave in, because, well, I HATE noise.  And he stopped his crying when he got his beloved cheese. 

I am sure that is in violation of pretty much every parenting book.  But since I haven't read any, I wouldn't know.  (Well I did read a bit of 123 Magic but they lost me when they said the parent has to remain calm...have they met my daughter?!)

Now let's play "Guess What Andrew is Thinking?"
A. Yes!  This string cheese is soooo good.
B. Really Mom?  I had to go through all that trauma to just get a frickin' piece of cheese?
C. Today's score:

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