Monday, December 13, 2010

UPDATE - We are not who you think we are

My attempt at shaming Andrew into using his diaper or the potty for pooping (by publicly embarassing him on the internet) was not successful. We have had several incidents in the past week.  The worst was when Andrew climbed in an empty tub, fully clothed, and proceeded to do his business. 

No pictures...too painful.

We are now considering our options:
1. Bathing him in the toilet (Kevin's idea - gotta give the man credit - he had his thinking cap on). 
2. Getting a flushable tub. 
3. A 12 step program. Anyone aware of one out there? Should we consider starting one? Isn't the first step admitting you have a problem? I don't think Andrew is there yet.
4. Putting him in one of those homes/ranches for wayward boys where the people come and take him in the middle of the night and whisk him off to somewhere in Utah or Idaho.  You know, where he can't come home until he can function as a normal member of society.

Now, at the risk of losing any of my 7 followers, this will be my last post about tub pooping.  I know, I know.  Disappointing.  I can just see the grief on all of your faces.  I just ask that you pray for us, and our tub.

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