Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If I never had children....

I would have more time, money, energy.  Plus, cuter hair, nails, clothes.... 

But besides these obvious things, I would not know...

1. How challenging it is to clean smears of american cheese (or what Grace calls "That cheese I like") off of hard wood floors. 

2. That pleather ottomans taste really, really good.

3. The joy in your child's eyes when she discovers Oprah. 
I was watching one of the "Favorite Things" re-runs and Grace was immediately drawn into the excitement.
I must disclose that I am NOT a fan of Oprah.

4. How to clean crayon out of a toddler's teeth. 
Answer: You don't.

5. What happens when you give a 16 month old a tablespoon of ketchup and turn your back for 20 seconds.

All of these lessons were learned in a span of 24 hours.

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