Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'Tis the Season - My most annoying holiday tradition

For Grace's 1st Christmas, I decided I would do a picture frame ornament for us and the grandparents.  Then I thought it would be a nice tradition to continue.  This has proven to be my most aggravating "task" each Christmas.  They are hard to find.  I cannot find them on  I have to drive to Michaels or some other crazy place crammed with crap.  I have to order wallet prints from Walgreens.  I have to drive to Walgreens and pick the prints up.  Then I have to assemble and wrap. 

However, I know the Grandparents love them.  And I know I will appreciate having all these cute ornaments for years to come.



The 2010 versions are not pictured because they do not exist many days until Christmas?  Yikes.

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