Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'Tis the Season - Mother Daughter Cookie Decorating Party

Last weekend Gracie and I hosted a Mother-Daughter Cookie Decorating party.  Six little girls and their moms came over for a few hours to drink pink lemonade, chat, do an art project, decorate cookies and, most importantly, lick frosting. 

The very first thing you need to do is cover all surfaces with butcher paper or old school freezer wrap.  This made clean up very easy.
The girls each got an apron (which I made with ribbon and a tea towel), a chinese takeout container to decorate and a plate of cookies.

 This party coincided with the first snowfall of the year.  Grace and Kevin made a snowman to welcome our guests. 
 I went a little overboard with the toppings.  But I think the variety was fun for the girls.

 Gracie pondering her choices.
 The finished product.

 The girls were concentrating sooo hard on their cookies and containers that they barely spoke to each other.
 After they were done they ran upstairs and all played dress up with Gracie's clothes.  The party ended when Grace got in a brawl with one of her little friends over butterfly wings.

In retrospect I would have invited A LOT of girls.  I started out with a small list since I didn't want the party to be too crazy.  I forgot how everyone is super busy during the holidays and half the people we invited could not come.  It was a lot of work for a few people.  But totally worth it for this little sweetie.

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