Friday, December 31, 2010

Disney World! Rides

We went on almost every ride at the Magic Kingdom.  Actually I think we did go on every ride.  Oh except that Winnie the Pooh one.  The lines were always too long.  He is a popular bear.  Must be the honey. 

This was our first ride and it was OK.

We all loved It's a Small World.  Especially Andrew.  He was mesmerized.
Kevin was filled with pride when we saw the very authentic Ireland display.  It even had a glittery shamrock.  I didn't think they had those outside of Ireland.
I thought these little dolls were cute.
This picture is for Markie.

Then we checked out the Buzz Lightyear ride.  Apparently this is some sort of game ride combo.  You are supposed to ride around and shoot at something with those large gun things (I didn't exactly figure the whole thing out). 
My score was 0 (because I was way to busy taking pictures to even try....otherwise my score would have been off the charts).  Amy's score was 200, but in her defense she didn't try that hard.  Kevin and Grace had a few thousand points. 

And this super cool guy (riding all alone, not a child, niece, nephew, grand child, little brother, or little sister in sight) got a score of 124,000. I was super impressed.  He obviously practices.  A lot.

This guy made Amy and I giggle the entire ride.  Then we both agreed that Justin would LOVE this ride.  Because it is competitive, and he likes that stuff.
Here we are on the Tomorrowland "People Mover".  It lives up to its promises and moves people.

It wouldn't be a trip to Disney without a ride in the vomit inducing teacups.
This picture pretty much sums up how the teacups make me feel.

I was so excited for Grace to experience Dumbo.  This ride is one of my only memories of visiting Disney World when I was really little.  Plus, I love elephants.  Of course Grace wanted to ride with Daddy so I had to sit that one out.  I was crushed.  So Kevin told her that I was scared of rides.  Then for the rest of the day she rode with me so I wouldn't get scared.  Sweetheart.
Here is Gracie after she got off the flying elephant! 
I couldn't get a picture of them on the ride because Grace was sitting to the inside and I couldn't even see her. So the picture would have looked like Kevin was riding the pink elephant all by himself. And I would never embarass him like that. I only post pictures where he looks serious and cool and manly.  Like this one.

Here Gracie and I are after our 2 trips on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.  She loved it!  It is a real rollercoaster and she wasn't scared a bit.  Too bad Grace was too short to go on Space Moutain with us,  she would have loved it!
Here we are on Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride.  Grace and I sang "A Whole New World" the entire ride. 

And our last ride of the trip was a whirl on Cinderella's Carousel. 

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