Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Very Expensive Entertainment for Toddlers

Remember these trees?

Today, we had our lovely trees cut down by Julius the Hungarian, alpha-male tree service man.  He was a bit more entertainment than I had bargained for today. 

His crew was not allowed to speak to me.  When they would try too, he would tell them to be quiet.  At one point he berated one of them who mentioned something about a warranty.  He said, "What are you?  A millionaire?  You know everything, huh?  I could talk to you for a month about warranties.  You just go over there and be quiet."   It was amusing and uncomfortable.  But mostly amusing, as his crew didn't seem to care.

We started out with a diseased tree, and ended the day with 10 trees + 1 bush down.  All the stumps and branches gone.  All in about 4 hours.  Impressive. 

We watched Julius cut down the first tree from inside.  He took a chainsaw, cut off some low branches, then cut it at the base and it tipped over.  TIMBER!  Andrew and I saw it, and it was really cool.  Seriously.  We got Grace, and headed outside for a closer look for the other two. 

The kids were enthralled.
Of course, little Miss Gracie added drama to the situation by being so sad that the trees were getting hurt. 

And Andrew was like, "Holy Crap Mom, this is awesome." 

Or in his words, "Tree!  Momma!"

Basically, tree removal with heavy equipment (cherry picker, chainsaws, stump grinder...come to think of it I probably should have taken my kids completely off the property) is an excellent way to entertain children.

Anyways, the yard is now a flipping disaster.  There is sawdust everywhere and we can now see what a mess the whole west side of our property is.  We need an old dog pen removed.  We need 20 yards of dirt delivered (That is A LOT, but that is what Julius said I needed.  More than once.  And I am going to listen to him.).  We need new trees planted.  We need 27 lannon stones removed.  We need grass planted. 

Landscaper suggestions anyone? 

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