Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Grace and I made some muffins

Last week Gracie and I made lemon blueberry muffins.  They were OK.  So no recipe here.  But I will share what happened while we were making muffins. 

Gracie was sitting at the counter helping me.  She wanted to stir the bowl of dry ingredients.  The problem is that the bowl was overflowing and my counters are tile.  Yes tile.  With thick grout lines.  That means that any time ANYTHING gets spilled in those lines, I have to scrub it out.  Flour is the worst. 

"Mommy, can I stir?"
"No Gracie, you can stir the next bowl."
"Mommy, can I stir this?"
"No Gracie, it will spill over the sides and get all over the counter and floor.  You can stir something in a minute."
"Mommy, can I stir this now?"
"No Gracie."
"Can I stir it now?"
"Can I stir it now?"
"No! Please do not ask again."
(10 seconds of silence)
"Can I stir it?"
"Grace!  If you ask again, you will get a timeout."
(5 seconds later).
"Um, can I stir it now?" 

Now you all understand why I am crazy.

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