Friday, June 3, 2011

A busy day

We had a wonderful and busy Memorial Day weekend.  We had some parties, did some yardwork and headed out to the pool for the first time this year. 

Instead of laying low on Tuesday, we decided to head to the zoo at 9am!  Luckily JuJu was available to come with us.  Lucky for the kids because their mom was CRABBY. 

(Note, we are all bigger than the baby gorilla)

But my mood improved after a ride on the zoo train.  So fun!

Then we headed out to run errands and back home for lunch and a rest for Andrew.  During lunch the kids played peek a boo with each other.  So cute.
Grace got to go to Best Buy (aka the giant tv store) and pick out a movie with Grandma Jane.  She chose a Princess Sing-a-long video.  Then she got an ice cream cone.  She is one lucky girl. 

When she got home she decided to get out the giant box of art projects and made a cute puppet.  Because otherwise her day would have been totally boring.

Andrew practiced sitting on the potty.

Then the kids went outside and spent about 30 minutes playing with the hose and watering cans. 

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