Monday, June 20, 2011

Washington, DC

For Matt and Kristy's wedding, we flew into DC and spent one day there.  We had lunch with Amy and walked around Georgetown for a little bit.  We came across a street we thought Gracie would love.

After that, we headed over to the Smithsonian museums.  We stopped to take a picture at the White House.

And Kevin insisted that I get his picture in front of the back of the Treasury building.  He loves finance.

Here I am pretending to be the boss.  Please appreciate the fact that I took a respectful picture.  The other people there did not.

Giant Hippo.

We had a wonderful dinner at a great restaurant with my parents and my Uncle Greg who works for the Secretary of Education.  It was so interesting to hear his stories about working for the federal government.

Friday AM, we got up early and walked to some monuments.  The reflecting pool in front of the Washington monument is all torn up, so that was a little disappointing.  Kevin and I agree that we cannot wait to take the kids to DC when they are older,  there is so much for them to see. 

After a few hours we headed out to the airport, picked up our rental car, Mark and Maura and made the scenic drive to Altoona, PA.

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