Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wedding Weekend

We arrived in Altoona just in time to get ready for the rehearsal dinner for Matt & Kristy.  We had a fabulous dinner (I think I am still full) and enjoyed the touching toasts.  Here are some snapshots from the rehearsal dinner "after party."

Darnieder & Jassak kids!

Saturday morning Kevin used google to find us a pastry shop for breakfast.  Google did not disappoint. 

Miss Grove's Pastry Shop
They had pies, cookies, sweet rolls, muffins and cinnamon buns.  They had Christmas decorations.  They had frosting.

Look at that frosting!  For breakfast!  Fabulous.

After breakfast, Kevin and my dad headed up to State College, PA to look around the campus.  While the ladies hit up the local mall.  Then it was time to get ready for the wedding. 

Here is Matt waiting for his bride. 

The proud parents.

There was a porch at the reception with absolutely gorgeous views.  Perfect spot for numerous photos.

There was open bar at the wedding.  As you can see by the photos below.

Kevin and I stayed late.  After all, we had to live up to our reputation as the life of the party.

Here is Mark showing the best man (the outfit cannot be explained, just understand that it was funny) his super awkward dance moves.  Not sure who looks weirder.....

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