Monday, June 6, 2011

Grace and I were parking the car

I was headed to the gym last week and as we pulled into the parking lot this is what happened:

"Oh! Mommy!  There's a spot.  Park there!"
I say nothing and concentrate on driving.  The lot is a total disaster with 2 way parking lanes, kids walking around and aggressive drivers.
"Mommy, Mommy park there!"
I continue to ignore this and look for a spot. 
"Mommy, Mommy listen to me!  I see one.  Park right over there.  See where I am pointing.  There. There. Over there."
Then I find one and pull in.
Cue the hysterics regarding why I never listen to Grace.
"Gracie, I cannot turn around and look at where you are pointing when I am driving.  I need to be safe."
"But Mommy, I was telling you where to park."
"Grace.  I have been driving for 14 years.  I do not need you to tell me what to do."
"Mommy.  I have been driving my cozy coupe for 1 year.  So I know what to do."

Another example of why I am a little crazy.

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