Thursday, December 19, 2013


Such a busy time of year, isn't it?  We are having fun with lots of Christmas parties and activities.  I am not fond of the 4 (yes 4!) Christmas concerts I am supposed to manage.  With Kevin working a lot and often on the road, the kids have spent a lot of time putting up with a stressed mommy.  And a lot of time playing together on the iPad.  Such good kids.
Andrew has been in a very, very silly phase lately.  He loves building forts, chasing Mae, and talking about how he is going to be Batman when he grows up.  In fact, he said that is what he is giving me for gift is the fact that I get to wipe the butt of the future Batman.  Lucky me! Gift receipt???
Andrew is also trying to accomplish the impossible goal of not getting any snow on his boots, mittens or pants.  Which just means Mom carries Andrew around all the time and Andrew takes his "wet" pants off when he gets home and runs around in his undies.

In Mae news, she got her first haircut.  Yes, I agreed to cut the mullet.  I still don't feel like it was my mullet to cut, but the deed has been done.  Sweet little Mae, just sat calmly in the seat and didn't fuss at all.  She is such a good girl.
Lately, Mae has been really into taking all the DVDs off the shelves in that basement.  Its her new hobby.  Its all the rage for the under 2yr set.  Basically, its their rainbow loom.  Which has prompted us to have some new built-ins designed....with very high DVD storage.

Mae also loves to, "Bee bo!", which means "Read book!"  She carries books around all day, and when she gets a chance she throws them at me (hard!) and says "Bee bo!".  Then I have no choice but to sit down and let her plop down in my lap...and we bee bo. 
Mae is still loving giraffes.  So we go to the zoo where there are now 4 giraffes for her to see.  So fun!
I don't have a Grace update....I am going to have to do a special post about my smart girl Grace.  She is a social butterfly and is doing very well in school. 
So sometimes I post pictures of a pulled together, pretty scene from my life.
And sometimes I post pictures of this. I cleaned my car a few weeks ago and this is what I found under Mae's carseat.  Keepin' it real.   Real and gross.

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