Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jolly! Trip to Chicago

A few weeks before Christmas, Kevin and I took Grace and Andrew down to Chicago for the day. Mae stayed with Grandma Jane so she wouldn't slow us down.  The kids were total troopers and they had a blast.  First we had some business to take care of, we got Kevin a nice new suit.  Then we headed to the Bloomingdales building to check out the huge tree.

After that we went to the American Girl store.  Grace had her heart set on a Molly doll for Christmas and was a little upset to see all the Molly dolls were missing from the shelves.  However, Santa delivered anyways.  He plans ahead.  Just like me.  Andrew liked the bitty baby double jogger.

Then we had lunch and the kids said they wanted to go to the top of the Hancock building, take a train ride and go to the Shedd aquarium.  I told them that was a lot and asked if they were up to it.  Andrew replied with a big smile, thumbs up and said, "We can handle it!"  Love that kid.
 Kevin took them to the top of the Hancock Building, which Andrew is now obsessed with and talks about all the time.

So we did all that, including a walk from the red line to the brutal wind, cold weather, and Kevin had to carry Andrew.  Who is literally the world's slowest walker.  He is like a three legged turtle.  Seriously.

The kids had a great day, and we are already thinking of what we will do on our next trip.  Maybe an overnight one next time!

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