Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jolly! Christmas Eve

We had a very nice Christmas  Eve this year.  We got a ton of pictures of the kids.  Of course, Andrew and Mikey were too cool to pose nicely.  However, Andrew was willing to give him a big smooch for the camera!

Mae was a total ham for the camera.

She tried to show Ben her "cute face" pose, but he was not into it.

But I did get one cute shot of him - such an adorable little guy!

The kids were spoiled with all their gifts.  Grace loved her cowgirl boots from Aunt Molly and her new rainbow loom from Grandma Jane and Bop.  I love the rainbow loom too.  It keeps Miss Grace busy for HOURS!

When Andrew opened his Lincoln Logs, he said "Whoo hoo!  Ya hoo!" and did a little dance.  Then he got serious when he saw his Batman toy. 

Mae was totally confused by Christmas.  She had this stunned look on her face.  Like why is everyone going crazy?  New toys?  For me?  What is going on?

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