Monday, December 30, 2013

Jolly! Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas morning.  The pictures never seem to turn out for us.  But the kids were very exciting.  Andrew got everyting he asked Santa for...stuffed eel, Batman castle (cave) and new batteries for the drill Santa gave him last year.  Grace and Mae were also happy with their gifts.  Grace got her coveted American Girl doll "Molly".  Such lucky kids!

Andrew helped me set the table and was in charge of the decor.  It was his idea to sprinkle Christmas bows at the place settings. 

Oh yeah, Monty came to Christmas too.  He was nervous and awkward the whole time.  You can practically see him quivering in this picture.

Here Mae is telling Monty to just chill out.  Stop being so odd.  Relax. 

Grace was thrilled with her Molly doll.  She also got a few outfits for Molly, some books and a Molly bed from JuJu and PopPop.  Lucky girl!
No Christmas morning is complete without a wrestling session!  Look at Mae dominating PopPop with a Micky Mouse doll to the face. 

Finally, here are some of Andrew's facial expressions from Christmas morning.  
He is one expressive little guy.

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