Monday, December 23, 2013

Jolly! Ineffective Elf

Buddy the Elf has been assigned to the Malone kids again this year.  Buddy reports good and bad behavior back to Santa.  It is my hope that Buddy's presence incites good behavior (defined as lack of whining) from Grace, Andrew and Mae.  I had high hopes since when Buddy arrived, Andrew got this look on his face that can only be described as, "Oh Shit."
But, so far, not so good. 
The kids love talking to him. 
Telling him what they want from Santa.
And asking lots of questions...(The answer to every question is "He/Santa is magic.")
The whining has not stopped, if anything it has been ramped up a notch. 
Dear Santa, Next year please send your best Elf.
Love, Bridget

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