Tuesday, July 12, 2011


1. I steam cleaned my carpets, which was deeply satisfying.  Definitely the highlight of my day - despite the fact that I managed to dump filthy water on Grace's carpet.  So I still may need to pay for a professional cleaning. 

Did I mention Andrew loves vacuums?  Or I should say he admires them.  And respects them.  He calls them "Da-hun"...he hasn't quite mastered that "v" sound.  He was, uh, thrilled that I was using the steam cleaner today. 

Did I also mention that Andrew has the Huggie's denim diapers again this year?  And that he now "gets" taking pictures, he will pose and do total cheese-ball smiles.  As soon as the picture is snapped he says, "I see?!" and runs over and stares at himself and smiles.  He is so vain.

 He will even spin around on request.

2. Andrew ate applesauce for dinner.
 By taking handfuls and rubbing them all over his face and the table.  Then he said, "Momma.  This is.  Applesauce mess."

3. Grace and Andrew each smacked each other approximately 1043 times.  I intervened twice. 

4. We went to the pool for 5 minutes today.  That was fun.  It was about to rain.  Grace threw tantrums, because I wouldn't let her go in the big pool.  I got to chase Andrew (in my bathing suit) as he repeatedly ran towards the big pool.  I got smacked with a water can.

5. Andrew's finger got shut in the sliding door of our car...which is not supposed to close on toddler fingers. 

6. Grace insisted we go on a walk to see our neighbors that we have met about three times.  The last time was over a year ago.  Grace remembered where they lived and that we stopped and talked to them once on a walk last summer.  "Mom, you remember the Thomases!  We said hi to them on a walk last week."  Implying that I was a crazy fool for saying, "What are you talking about you want to go visit the Thomases?  Who?"

7. Grace and I had the following conversation.  "Mom, why do dinosaurs have tails?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe it is so they can poop."
"I don't think so."
"Oh, I know!  It is just decoration."

8.  And a picture of Grace from last week....since I didn't have one of her from today.  This was taken after we played an exciting game of Candy Land.  I won.  She didn't like that.  Enough said.

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