Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of July - Part 1

We had a very and wonderful 4th of July weekend.

We kicked off the weekend with a dinner at Eddie Martinis to celebrate my parent's 33rd anniversary and my dad's birthday.

Then Saturday, we packed the van full of gear and drove up to Amherst Junction for the day.  My friend Kelly was in town from LA and was at her family's cabin for the weekend.  She kindly invited us to visit and the Malones never say "no" to an invitation!

  The cabin is right on a lake and it is so beautiful up there.  We went swimming and took a boat ride.  Plus Andrew took a nap, which was a pleasant surprise.  We headed back at dinner time and stopped in Oshkosh at the Rocky Rococos for a bite to eat.  That was the highlight of Kevin's day.  He loves Rocky's. 

For the record, the highlight of my day was NOT changing Andrew's poopy diaper in the 90 degree car and then not being able to find a garbage can to throw it in. 

Anyways, here are some snapshots from the day.

Yes, that is me in the water.  Shocking!  And just look at what a beautiful day we had.

On the way home, the kids got a little silly in the car.  Gracie was making up new safety songs and Andrew was screeching and being silly.

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