Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is. Uh oh.

The kids love to color.  Have I mentioned that?  They do. 
A few weeks ago, I bought these big glass jars to keep their crayons and markers in...How cute!  How smart!  Not really.

Flash forward to this past Saturday when Andrew tried to put the jar on the table and it fell. Leaving this mess...

We were all right there, so I said to Kevin, "Take the kids upstairs and I will clean this up."  He replied, in fear, "But I don't have shoes on!"  To which I replied, "Just.  Watch.  Where.  You. Are. STEPPING!"  As you can imagine, I used a tone that made it very clear how concerned I was that he would cut one of his precious feet on the glass.  I, for one, was more worried about the kids.  Not myself.  The bottoms of my feet are like horse hooves, a little glass is not an issue.  Plus, I have been through a foot injury before.  And I survived. (Adding a link here as Kevin requested.)

Andrew kept saying, "This is. Uh oh."  over and over again.  Which was so darn cute it almost made all the sweeping, vacuuming and wiping worth it. 

Now the kids needed new crayons (couldn't risk any little pieces of glass being stuck in the paper or crayon). So I bought the kids each their own set and  little metal bucket to put them in. 
They got to pick out their own bucket.  How cute! 
Plus, now they won't fight over the crayons because they each have the exact same ones.  How smart!
Not really.

As soon as I set them down to color, they started screaming at each other.  Grace held her crayons over the top of her head and Andrew crawled across the table screaming and clawing at her to get another white crayon.  Even though white doesn't even show up on his white paper.  Geez.  Pull it together Little Buddy.

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