Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet Stuff: Amazon Prime

You don't know what you've got until its gone, right?  Well our subscription to Amazon Prime recently expired and we are missing it so, so much.  If you join, you get free 2 day shipping on a good percentage of the items offered on Amazon.  It is like $75 for a year or something.

Now you are thinking, wow Bridget, can't believe you paid that much!  Uh, have you met my husband?  I most certainly did not.  We had it for about 2 years and never paid the membership fee.  We bought so much stuff that they just kept extending it for free.  Which is not exactly a good thing.  For us.  For Amazon, it was worth it.

Amazon Prime allowed me to have discussions with myself that go a little something like this, "I need a cake pan for this weekend.  Am I going to go to Target this week?  No.  Okay, I will order it on Amazon." 


"Darn it!  I keep forgetting to buy coffee filters at the grocery store.  Oh I know!  I will order them online! I am so darn smart.  Thank goodness for Amazon Prime."  I realize it is really not smart (or "green") to have coffee filters shipped to your house.  Don't judge me.

This past Christmas I did most of my shopping on Amazon.  Which was fabulous.

A side benefit is you get to know your UPS man really well.  Probably too well.  When he sees you on a walk a mile from your house and waves, that may be a bad sign.  I tell myself it is because he thinks I am just so cute.  But I know he loves that I give him job security.

1 comment:

  1. This blog cracked me up. I am the same way. I think we get an amazon box at least twice a week. I can't believe it expired. I have been ordering so much that it keeps getting extended but that could be all the diapers I am ordering.
