Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Belated Easter

The Malones had a GREAT Easter this year.  On Saturday we had a blast at the Tripoli easter egg hunt and lunch.  Of course the only rain that fell all week came down during the easter egg hunt, so it had to be held indoors but we had fun anyways. Grace was very selective with her eggs and only chose the fancy ones.

This year Grace loved the easter bunny.  She was a little apprehensive at first, but then she decided she LOVED that bunny.  Loved him so much that she was jumping in other people's photos. 

Andrew was content sitting on the bunny's lap

and just lounging in a club chair

We had a great lunch and then the kids (and Kevin, see him sitting in jeans and a navy sweater?) played some fun games. 
I was really proud of how well Grace listened and played with the other children, even though she didn't understand all the instructions.   At least we hope she didn't....otherwise she was totally cheating during the "steal the bunny tail off the other kids" game.
After the egg hunt (and a major meltdown) Grace helped me make an egg shaped carrot cake for Easter Sunday
                                                            (by eating A LOT of frosting)

My cake and Grace's cake.
                        Grace had fun Easter morning looking for the eggs and her easter basket.

As you can see Andrew loved his anbesol!

On Easter Sunday we went to mass, which was crowded and we spent the whole time totally distracted by tired Andrew (who of course did not cry but just squirmed the whole time) and an active Grace.  We have been doing a good job of going to mass.  No Mom, not every week!  But we have been going every other week for a while now.  The over crowded holiday masses are definitely more challenging for us as there is just too much going on to get good behavior. 

Then we stopped at the Malone's where we broke out the bunny ears again, visited with family, and then we were off to my parents for dinner.

Grace has taken a liking to the Hippos at the zoo.  After hearing this Dave generously gave her a very cool clay whistle he made, which is really a piece of art. Grace was THRILLED! 

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